Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kilburn Pond 
 in Pisgah State Park
Chesterfield, New Hampshire 03443
In Pisgah State Park, Southwest Corner of NH, near Connecticut River 
Location: Junction of Kilburn Road and Route 63
    3.8 miles south of Chesterfield Center on NH Rte.63 on the left
    3.1 miles north of Hinsdale Center on NH Rte. 63 on the right
Rating:  Easy walk through the woods to forest pond and trails
Minimum:  1 hour, no resting.
Maximum:  hours and hours of linked trails throughout Pisgah State Park 

Note:  I hiked for 2.5 hours taking pictures, eating lunch overlooking the pond and using the Leaf-Snap app on my cell phone camera--cell coverage was available at different points. 

Children:  Might be good for kids who enjoy strolling and being in the woods. Landscape is gentle rather than dramatic. Lots of woodsy things to point out. 
Last hiked:  9/9/14

Map site: Kilburn Pond Map 

The idea for where to go in the maze of possibilities came from Joe Adamowicz's book Hiking the Mondanock Region   published by New England Cartographics.
The trailhead is on Kilburn Road (dirt) with parking available. The path begins as a dirt road and then becomes more trail like as you move further along. It connects with the Kilburn Loop, a 5 mile loop that  continues to the right. This is the first sight of Kilburn Pond.
You can explore the pond, its reflections and granite outcroppings on the many short paths that lead down to it.
  Hiking books about NH
At the junction, turn to the left keeping the pond on your right.  Walk about 10 minutes until you reach a path that veers off to the right towards the pond and leaves the main road.  Follow this path as it winds around the lake, with small side trails to explore.  You will arrive at a granite overlook where you can enjoy a view of the pond.  This side of the lake is higher and so reaching the water is more difficult than when the pond was first sighted.  You can turn around at any time to return to the parking lot or continue on the many interlinking trails that run through Pisgah State Park.
Kilburn Pond reflections (©wsstern)

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